Igneous rocks

Igneous rocks can be made from magma or lava.

Igneous rock can form from magma under the Earth’s surface. Magma is very hot molten rock that can harden when it cools underground, forming igneous rock.

Igneous rocks can also be formed on the surface of the Earth. When magma reaches the surface we call it lava. When the lava cools it hardens and becomes an igneous rock.

Follow the video and add the pictures and facts below to your rock cycle worksheet.

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Describe a Igneous Rock

There are lots of different types of igneous rock and what they look like depends where they formed.

Explore some of the igneous rocks in the GeoBus collection below. Move your mouse over the top of the first image to find out more about that rock.

Famous Rocks: Hawaii

The Hawaiian Islands are formed of eight major islands, the volcanoes are mainly made of the igneous rock called basalt. The highest point on this island is the Mauna Kea volcano, at 4207 m.

Explore the island of Hawaii in the 3D model below.