GeoBus offers online workshops to primary schools, secondary schools and further education colleges. Workshop descriptions will give you more detailed information on the set-up times, session capacity, running time and target year groups. Please make sure you check the requirements carefully before booking a visit.


Virtual Primary School Workshops


Hazards (volcanoes and Earthquakes)

Year groups: 3 - 6
Max capacity per workshop: No limit
Set up time: 5 minutes
Running time: This session is 45-60 minutes long

This workshop introduces students to the structure of earth, where and why earthquakes and volcanic eruptions happen. Pupils use 3D glasses and 3D pictures of volcanoes to find out more about these natural hazards.


Planets in the solar system

Year groups: 2 - 6
Max capacity per workshop: No limit
Set up time: 5 minutes
Running time: This session is 45-60 minutes long

This workshop looks at the planets in the solar system and some of the different ways in which scientists study space (without actually going there!). The students will use 3D glasses and 3D images to discover the surface of Mars!



Year groups: Rec - 6 (can be adapted to suit most ages) 
Max capacity per workshop: No limit
Set up time: 5 minutes
Running time: 45-60 minutes

This flexible workshop can be adapted to be run with a range of different abilities. Students find out about different types of fossil and how they are made. Students then view different fossils using 3D glasses and stereographic fossil images.


Rocks and Minerals

Year groups: Rec - 6 (can be adapted to suit most ages)
Max capacity per workshop: No limit
Set up time: 5 minutes
Running time: 45-60 minutes

A workshop that introduces pupils to different types of rocks and minerals and gets them to think about where they come from and what we use them for. Students are challenged to identify different rock types using 3D glasses and 3D pictures.


Arctic, Sea Ice and Climate Change

Year groups: 2 - 6
Max capacity per workshop: No limit
Set up time: 5 minutes
Running time: 45-60 minutes

Students explore the polar climate and sea ice in the Arctic using 3D glasses and 3D images of the Arctic. After understanding what climate change is, why it is happening and the effects of a warming world, students then look at the impact it is having in the Arctic.