AGES 11 - 18
Earth Science Activities
Here you will find a variety of curriculum-linked Earth Science themed activities, videos and worksheets to inspire students and introduce them to the many diverse areas of Earth Science from earthquakes and volcanoes to fossils and planets!
More of these activities will be added soon, keep up-to-date with new resources on our Twitter, Instagram or Facebook pages @GeoBus_UCL.
anatomy and Fossils
To be added soon!
Rocks and Minerals
To be added soon!
GeoBus @ Home
Under the current lockdown, many students are learning from home, so we are creating GeoBus workshops that you can access and follow from anywhere.
Each topic will include videos, 3D models, links and worksheets to watch and try at home. Follow each section and discover the fascinating world of Earth science!
Worksheet and Activity Pack Downloads
Here you will find free GeoBus worksheets and activities to download and try at home. Many of these activities are practical exercises and may require additional materials and adult supervision to complete.
Our Activity Pack will help you explore the topic of earthquakes from the comfort of your own home. These activities are designed for Years 9 - 11 and will cover the topics of earthquakes, seismic waves, transverse and longitudinal waves as well as elements of degree level Geophysics!
Extra notes: Read the Activity Pack instructions to find out what you will need, timings and online resources to help you complete the activities.
Our Space Activity Pack will help you explore the Solar System from the comfort of your home. These activities are designed for Years 7 - 9 and will cover the features of the eight planets in our Solar System, satellites, orbits, and how our understanding of the solar system has changed.
Rocks and Minerals
Discover the rock cycle and the difference between igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. Put your geology skills to the test and make a geological drawing. These resources are currently in production and will be made available soon!
Keep an eye on twitter @GeoBUS_UCL for all the latest news and resources.
Venture into a virtual volcano using the new GeoBus resources. These are currently in production and will be available here soon!
Keep an eye on twitter @GeoBUS_UCL for all the latest news and resources.
Useful Links and Resources
Here you will find links to as many Earth Science themed resources and websites as we can find in one handy list.
This will also include those mentioned in the activity webpages above. If you have found some useful resources or created any yourself be sure to let us know at and can keep this list growing.
GeoBus St Andrews Support Materials
GeoBus St Andrews in collaboration with the (NERC) SoS MinErals program have produced some fun card games that demonstrate the importance of REE deposits and the use of REE and associated elements.
Find them here at:
If you are looking at hosting a GeoBus workshop in Scotland you can book workshops here:
GeoBus St Andrews also have a range of quick activities, lesson plans and support materials which can be found here: